Friday, August 19, 2011

the gym: the post-modern confessional

In the golden era of Christianity of the dark ages, people went to confessional to absolve themselves of their transgressions, and to wash away the proverbial blood on their hands.

Wracked with guilt or compelled by threat of eternal damnation in hell, they would enter the booth and whisper their transgressions to the priest through the ornate lattice.   

Depending on the gravity of your sin, the priest would ask you to recite x number of Hail Marys, or y number of Our Fathers before granting absolution.

Source: Wiki commons
Four hundred years post-renaissance, knowledge and rationalism has eroded away the foundations of religion such that the majority are left untethered to any concept of sin, or a higher being. 

In today's existential society the fundamental emotion of guilt is just as rife - the only difference is what we feel guilty about.

Given this, who or what do we turn to when we are feeling wracked with guilt? 


YOU: forgive me, for I have sinned. I ended up smoking half a pack of cigarettes last night.

PRIEST/TRAINER: Do you have any idea how bad that is for your lungs/soul? I thought we went over this at Church/Nutrition class - no cigarettes. Where was your self-restraint?

YOU: I had half a bottle of gin, there was no restraint left.

PRIEST/TRAINER: you know that drinking alcohol is a cardinal sin/empty calories. 

YOU: yes. Oh and I also scoffed down entire bag of corn chips.

PRIEST/TRAINER: trans-fats and carbs? I am truly disappointed. To be absolved of your sins you must say 10 Hail Marys and 20 Our Lords/do 2kms on the rowing machine, followed by 30 minutes of cardio and a 1 hour yoga.

YOU: *sob*.