Saturday, April 2, 2011

how to cross the street like you've got a pair

Have you noticed that by the time the pedestrian crossing lights go green, the only people who still haven't crossed the road are the elderly, and first years from small backwater towns?

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that crossing lights are for the weak.  

When you cross the road before the pedestrian lights go green, hot chicks suddenly appear from nowhere, filled with admiration and awe.  

Naturally, this awe is increased if you cross when cars are heading directly towards you. You may want to consider waiting until there are more cars to increase your fan-base.

Following crossing lights is too conformist; all the coolkids use their survival skills developed attending underground gigs in uncomfortably small venues.

REMEMBER: if there's no chance of road fatality you shouldn't cross at all.


  1. "REMEMBER: if there's no chance of road fatality you shouldn't cross at all."

    I'm kind of notoriously old-fashioned about death via car... My friends will be all weaving in and out of traffic and I'll be clinging staunchly to the curb, waiting for the little green man...

  2. I'm too busy living my postmodern life to bother waiting. besides safety apathy is the new black.

  3. REMEMBER: The red man wants to tell you how to live your life. Stick it to the red man!

  4. said the staunch libertarian. But I appreciated the joke muchly anyway
