Sunday, May 29, 2011

Clothing Identity?

What you wear will often say more about you than you ever could.

Clothes and the like have become the markers of our tribes, of our identities. We are not what we eat, we are what we wear.
To that end the business is forever seeking to give form or tailor to the identities of markets the world over.

I will present a selection of categories for consideration...

The Hipster
(Could I have started with anything less)

Note the retro/bad taste vibe. The rejection of a perceived mainstream. The desire to be different, but not that different. What was once laughable or worthy of scorn becomes a marker of originality on the hipster.

Hipster fashion runs on a simple logic wheel...

The Mainstreamer

Often claiming to be a non-participant of clothing identity wars, the mainstreamer is nonetheless making choices. Their choice is to be largely invisible. Present but not overly memorable. Social appreciation is achieved rather through an attachment of wealth or value to the clothes they wear; the more expensive, the more elitist and important they feel.
Such individuals are indeed prone to ostentatiousness.

The Minimalist

Minimalism is not dead. It's still quite awesome.
The minimalist will limit their clothing to the holy triumvirate; Grey, Black and White.

By their very nature people who show their identity through such clothing choices are not flashgits. Rather they have a sense of style without chasing the latest cool. They have settled into a timeless elegance that can only be achieved through control. Striking statements can still be made, but efforts are better saved for being memorable through simplicity. Think Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's

The Heavy Metal Fan

I refuse to term this group bogans. Being a bogan is having a behaviour. I have known many metal heads who were calm, restrained and intelligent. You're more likely to get arrogant mainstreamer bogans than you are metal heads - it's just that the metal sub-culture is more visible.
Borrowing from many of the sensibilities of minimalism in regard to colour application, Metal fans generally limit themselves to Black.

Metal fashion is about being uncompromising. It's a rejection of trying to dress how you're expected to. This rejection is genuine to the point of attracting scorn from those that have never listened to an Iron Maiden or Pantera album.
Contrary to widespread opinion I think the Metal look can be powerful and striking in a good way when well executed.

Less hair, more attitude; it works.

The Goth
Included as a stand-point to metal, but nonetheless a notable trend of clothing identity.
While the regular Goth look is indeed rather hard to pull off in most, Goth fashion stands as the ultimate in not caring about what others consider of your appearance.
However, it has inspired some looks that are rather commendable. I stress the use of the word inspired there...

The Post Modernist
Where anything goes because it's all a concept.
As long as it's breaking down traditional ideas or concepts in relation to clothing then almost anything could be considered post-modern, but I include this category to that fashion can result in some truly insane creations.

Any girls willing to wear a pair of these?


Or how about this; a futuristic French aristocratic update on the clothing of the flying nun...

Cool, but crazy.

So, you are what you wear.
Where do you fit?

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