Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why the Internet isn't your Friend

The internet isn't your friend, so quit expecting it to be kind to you.

Sure it may be where you can trade, bank, communicate, research, stalk strangers and be entertained. But your usage of the Internet is only a slim slice of the pie.

In truth, the Internet is vast and uncaring. The Internet is discomfort, danger and disagreement downloaded and dispersed in an indispensable form.

The Internet couldn't care less about you unless your upset reactions were somehow entertaining.

In our post-modern faceless society the internet is the easiest place to be mean to total strangers, as best illustrated in the "Greater Internet Dickwad Theory"

Maybe you've asked yourself by now; "But who out there is the cause of this potent mix of apathy and cruelty?"
The answer is; those younger than you - but specifically those sociopaths still young enough to think they're funny.

What can you do to stem the flow of hurt feelings you feel whenever someone does or says something you don't like?

Petition to take away their free speech?
Grow a thicker skin?

My recommendation; stop thinking the Internet is here to hold your hand and serve you.
It's not.
The Internet is here to serve everyone; and for some that means it's here to humiliate and mock you in a public manner from a-far.
Be careful what you do or say, because the Internet trolls are lurking for their chance to strike...

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